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What is governed by the specifications? - Emmentaler AOP Switzerland
Frequently asked questions - Emmentaler AOP

What is governed by the specifications?

There are specifications with precise requirements for the production of Emmentaler AOP. These specifications include the geographical area, the exact description of the products, the requirements for milk production, cheese production, and cheese ageing and care. They also specify the Emmentaler AOP Quality assessment, and therefore also the number and size of the holes. Only when the cheese meets all these requirements does it become an Emmentaler AOP. This is our guarantee of the well-being of animals and nature, as well as premium cheese quality for maximum enjoyment.

  • Regionally produced Swiss natural product
  • Clearly defined, geographically limited production area
  • Maximum distance between dairy farmer and dairy: 20 km as the crow flies (short transport routes, low emissions)
  • Use of fresh raw milk (no heating processes allowed), which is processed after a maximum of 24 hours
  • Regional, commercial milk production and processing (no factory/industrial production)
  • Cows enjoy plenty of outdoor exercise (daylight)
  • Cows are fed with fresh grass and hay
  • Genetically engineered feed and preserved silage feed are prohibited
  • Non-intensive farming (Ø 26 cows/dairy farm)
  • Genetically modified rennet and cultures are prohibited
  • Milk volume: 1,200 litres of milk for a whole wheel (around 100 kg)
  • Long ageing process: at least 4-month to 30-month ageing period (high processing quality)
  • Constant care and monitoring during ageing

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